Helpful Books
Here are some publications which may be useful if you are a consumer and are having a legal problem. Many of them can be found at public libraries (or county law libraries):
1. The Consumer Credit and Sales Legal Practice Series (16 volumes), published by the National Consumer Law Center ( (Intended primarily for consumer attorneys; contains tens of thousands of citations to statutes and case decisions throughout the nation.)
2. “Guide to Consumer Rights For Immigrants”, published by the National Consumer Law Center (2002).
3. “Guide to Surviving Debt”, published by the National Consumer Law Center (2002).
4. “Stop Predatory Lending – A Guide for Legal Advocates,” published by the National Consumer Law Center (2002).
5. Nancy Barron, “Return To Sender – Getting A Refund or Replacement for Your Lemon Car,” published by the National Consumer Law Center (2000).
6. Michael Hudson, “Merchants of Misery – How Corporate America Profits From Poverty” (Common Courage Press 1996).
7. Laurence E. Drivon, “The Civil War On Consumer Rights” (Conari Press 1990).
8. Remar Sutton, “Don’t Get Taken Every Time : The Insider’s Guide to Buying Your Next Car or Truck” (Penguin Group, Inc. 2001).
9. Mark Eskeldson, “What Car Dealers Don’t Want You to Know” (Tech News Corp. 2000).
10. Mari J. Frank, “From Victim to Victor – Protect Your Finances & Reputation” (Porpoise Press).
11. Beth Givens, “The Privacy Rights Handbook: How to Take Control of Your Personal Information” (Avon Books, Inc. 1997).
Internet Resources
Here are some useful links to other consumer sites on the Internet:
National Consumer Law Center
National Association of Consumer Advocates
National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys
Consumers Union
Federal Trade Commission
Consumer Action